Gilmor-Wendover Settlement

WRRV is pleased to announce a $100,000 class action settlement in Gilmor, et al. v. Preferred Credit Corporation, et al., Case No. 4:10-cv-00189-ODS.

Wendover Financial Services Corporation (“Wendover”) has agreed to pay $100,000.00 to settle the claims of 184 class members who obtained 105 loans that were purchased by, assigned or conveyed to, or otherwise owned and/or held by or serviced by Wendover. Class Members who do not opt out of the Settlement will be entitled to a substantial settlement payment under the Settlement. The estimated settlement payments range from a low of $15 to a high of $1,487, with an average of $440. Class Members can see what we currently estimate the amount of their settlement payment to be by accessing the Proposed Distribution Schedule. To access the Proposed Distribution Schedule for your settlement benefit, click here.

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